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Custom UI

You can display custom user interface (UI) JSX components using the @metamask/snaps-sdk module when implementing the following features:


JSX is supported in the MetaMask extension and Flask version 12 and later. New UI components will be added as JSX components. The previous function-based library is deprecated.

To use custom UI, first install @metamask/snaps-sdk using the following command:

yarn add @metamask/snaps-sdk

Then, whenever you're required to return a custom UI component, import the components from the SDK at @metamask/snaps-sdk/jsx and build your UI with them. For example, to display a Box using snap_dialog:

import { Box, Heading, Text } from "@metamask/snaps-sdk/jsx";

await snap.request({
method: "snap_dialog",
params: {
type: "alert",
content: (
<Heading>Alert heading</Heading>
<Text>Something happened in the system.</Text>

JSX can only be used in .jsx or .tsx files.


The following custom UI components are available:


Outputs a formatted text field for a blockchain address. The address is automatically displayed with a Jazzicon and truncated value. Hovering over the address shows the full value in a tooltip.


  • address: string - A valid Ethereum address, starting with 0x, or a valid CAIP-10 address.


import { Box, Heading, Address } from "@metamask/snaps-sdk/jsx";

await snap.request({
method: "snap_dialog",
params: {
type: "alert",
content: (
<Heading>Are you sure you want to send tokens to this address?</Heading>
<Address address="0x000000000000000000000000000000000000dEaD" />
Address UI example
Address tooltip UI example


Outputs a Jazzicon for an address.


MetaMask automatically calculates checksums for EVM addresses (eip155:). Addresses for other namespaces are not validated; you should validate them in your Snap.


  • address: string - A valid CAIP-10 address.


export const onHomePage: OnHomePageHandler = async () => {
return {
content: (
<Avatar address="eip155:1:0x1234567890123456789012345678901234567890" />
<Avatar address="bip122:000000000019d6689c085ae165831e93:128Lkh3S7CkDTBZ8W7BbpsN3YYizJMp8p6" />


Outputs bold text.


import { Box, Heading, Text, Bold } from "@metamask/snaps-sdk/jsx";

await snap.request({
method: "snap_dialog",
params: {
type: "alert",
content: (
<Heading>Hello world!</Heading>
This is <Bold>bold</Bold>.

Outputs a banner alert component that can be used to display important messages with different severity levels.


  • title: string - Title of the banner.
  • severity: "danger" | "info" | "success" | "warning" - Severity level of the banner.
  • children: The content to display in the banner. Can include:
    • Text components
    • Formatting components
    • Links
    • Icons
    • Buttons
    • Skeleton loaders


import { Box, Banner, Text, Link } from "@metamask/snaps-sdk/jsx";

await snap.request({
method: "snap_dialog",
params: {
type: "alert",
content: (
<Banner title="Important Update" severity="info">
<Text>A new version is available!</Text>
<Link href="">Learn more</Link>

<Banner title="Warning" severity="warning">
<Text>Please review transaction details carefully.</Text>

<Banner title="Success" severity="success">
<Text>Transaction completed successfully.</Text>

<Banner title="Error" severity="danger">
<Text>Unable to process transaction.</Text>


Outputs a box, which can be used as a container for other components.


  • direction - (Optional) The direction in which elements flow inside the box. Possible values are "horizontal" and "vertical". The default is "vertical".
  • alignment - (Optional) The alignment of the elements inside the box. Possible values are "start", "center", "end", "space-between", and "space-around". The default is "start".


import { Box, Heading, Text } from "@metamask/snaps-sdk/jsx";

module.exports.onHomePage = async () => {
return {
content: (
<Text>Feature 1</Text>
<Text>Feature 2</Text>
<Text>Feature 3</Text>

Box UI example


Outputs a button that the user can select. For use in interactive UI.


  • children - The contents of the button. This can be text, an Image component, or an Icon component.
  • type - (Optional) The type of button. Possible values are "button" and "submit". The default is "button".
  • name: string - (Optional) The name that will be sent to onUserInput when a user selects the button.
  • variant - (Optional) Determines the appearance of the button. Possible values are "primary" and "destructive". The default is "primary".


import { Box, Heading, Button } from "@metamask/snaps-sdk/jsx";

const interfaceId = await snap.request({
method: "snap_createInterface",
params: {
ui: (
<Heading>Interactive interface</Heading>
<Button name="interactive-button">Click me</Button>

await snap.request({
method: "snap_dialog",
params: {
type: "Alert",
id: interfaceId,

Button UI example


Outputs a card component which is used to display values in a card structure.


Unlike many Card components from other UI libraries, the Snaps Card does not have any shape. It is only used for layout. To give a shape to a Card, wrap it in a Section component.


  • title: Array<string | Address> - The title of the card, can be a string or an Address.
  • value: string - The value, shown on the right side.
  • image: string - (Optional) An image shown on the left side. Accepts inline SVG.
  • description: string - (Optional) A description, shown below the title.
  • extra: string - (Optional) Additional text shown below the value.


import icon from "./../img/icon.svg"

export const onHomePage: OnHomePageHandler = async () => {
return {
content: (
title="Card title"
description="Card description"
value="Card value"
extra="Extra value"
title="Minimal card"
value="Example value"
title="Card title"
description="Card description"
value="Card value"
extra="Extra value"
title="Minimal card"
value="Example value"

Card UI example


Outputs a checkbox for use in interactive UI.


  • name: string - The name sent to onUserInput.
  • checked: boolean - (Optional) Whether the checkbox is checked.
  • label: string - (Optional) The label for the checkbox.
  • variant - (Optional) The variant of the checkbox. Possible values are "default" and "toggle". The default is "default".


import { Checkbox } from "@metamask/snaps-sdk/jsx";

const interfaceId = await snap.request({
method: "snap_createInterface",
params: {
ui: (
<Checkbox name="accept-terms" label="I understand the terms" />
<Checkbox name="dark-mode" label="Dark mode" variant="toggle" />

Checkbox UI example


Outputs a container component that can hold a box of content and an optional footer. This is useful for creating structured layouts with action buttons at the bottom in custom dialogs.


  • backgroundColor: "default" | "alternative" - (optional) The background color of the container. Defaults to "default".
  • children: Can be either:
    • A single Box element, or
    • An array containing a Box element and a Footer element


import { Container, Box, Footer, Text, Button } from "@metamask/snaps-sdk/jsx";

await snap.request({
method: "snap_dialog",
params: {
content: (
<Container backgroundColor="default">
<Text>Are you sure you want to proceed with this transaction?</Text>
<Text>Gas fees: 0.005 ETH</Text>
<Button name="cancel" variant="destructive">Cancel</Button>
<Button name="confirm">Confirm</Button>

// Example without footer
await snap.request({
method: "snap_dialog",
params: {
content: (
<Container backgroundColor="alternative">
<Text>Simple container without footer</Text>


Outputs a read-only text field with a copy-to-clipboard shortcut.


  • value: string - The value to copy when the user clicks on the copyable element.
  • sensitive: boolean - (Optional) Indicates whether the value is sensitive. If true, the value will be hidden when the user is not interacting with the copyable element.


import { Box, Text, Copyable } from "@metamask/snaps-sdk/jsx";

await snap.request({
method: "snap_dialog",
params: {
type: "alert",
content: (
<Text>Your address:</Text>
<Copyable value="0x000000000000000000000000000000000000dEaD" />

Copyable UI example


Outputs a horizontal divider.


import { Box, Heading, Divider, Text } from "@metamask/snaps-sdk/jsx";

module.exports.onHomePage = async () => {
return {
content: (
<Heading>Hello world!</Heading>
<Divider />
<Text>Welcome to my Snap home page!</Text>

Divider UI example

Outputs a dropdown for use in interactive UI.


  • name: string - The name sent to onUserInput.
  • children: Option[] - One or more Option components with the following props:
    • value: string - The value sent to onUserInput.
    • children: string - The text displayed in the dropdown for that option.


import { Box, Text, Dropdown } from "@metamask/snaps-sdk/jsx";

const interfaceId = await snap.request({
method: "snap_createInterface",
params: {
ui: (
<Text>Pick a currency</Text>
<Dropdown name="currency">
<Option value="ETH">ETH</Option>
<Option value="USD">USD</Option>

await snap.request({
method: "snap_dialog",
params: {
type: "Alert",
id: interfaceId,
Dropdown UI example
Active dropdown UI example


Outputs a form field, wrapping an element to give it a label and optional error.


  • label: string - The label for the wrapped element.
  • error: string - (Optional) Any error for the wrapped element. Setting this changes the style of the wrapped element to show that there is an error.
  • children - The element to be wrapped. This can be a Dropdown, Input, Selector, or RadioGroup component.


import { Field, Form, Input, Button } from "@metamask/snaps-sdk/jsx";

const interfaceId = await snap.request({
method: "snap_createInterface",
params: {
ui: (
<Form name="form-to-fill">
<Field label="First Name">
<Input name="firstName" placeholder="Enter your first name" />
<Button type="submit">Submit</Button>

await snap.request({
method: "snap_dialog",
params: {
type: "Alert",
id: interfaceId,

Field example


Outputs a file input component for use in interactive UI.


  • name: string - The name that will be sent to onUserInput when a user interacts with the form.
  • accept: string[] - (Optional) The file types that the file input field accepts. If not specified, the file input field accepts all file types. For examples of valid values, see the MDN documentation.
  • compact: boolean - (Optional) Whether the file input field is compact.


import { FileInput } from "@metamask/snaps-sdk/jsx";

export const onHomePage = async () => {
const interfaceId = await snap.request({
method: "snap_createInterface",
params: {
ui: (
<Heading>File Upload</Heading>
<Form name="file-upload-form">
<FileInput name="file-input" />
<Button name="submit-file-upload-form" type="submit">

return {
id: interfaceId,

export const onUserInput = async ({ id, event }) => {
if (event.type === UserInputEventType.FileUploadEvent && event.file !== null) {

File input UI example

Outputs a footer component that can contain one or two buttons. This component is typically used within a Container to create action buttons at the bottom of a dialog or panel.


  • children: Can be either one or two Button components.


import { Container, Box, Footer, Text, Button } from "@metamask/snaps-sdk/jsx";

// Example with two buttons
await snap.request({
method: "snap_dialog",
params: {
content: (
<Text>Delete this item?</Text>
<Button name="cancel">Cancel</Button>
<Button name="delete" variant="destructive">Delete</Button>

// Example with single button
await snap.request({
method: "snap_dialog",
params: {
content: (
<Text>Operation completed successfully.</Text>
<Button name="close">Close</Button>


Outputs a form for use in interactive UI.


  • name: string - The name that will be sent to onUserInput when a user interacts with the form.
  • children: array - An array of Input or Button components.


import { Box, Section, Form, Input, Button } from "@metamask/snaps-sdk/jsx";

const interfaceId = await snap.request({
method: "snap_createInterface",
params: {
ui: (
<Form name="form-to-fill">
<Field label="First Name">
<Input name="firstName" placeholder="Enter your first name" />
<Button type="submit">Submit</Button>

await snap.request({
method: "snap_dialog",
params: {
type: "Alert",
id: interfaceId,

Form UI example


Outputs a heading. This is useful for Box titles.


  • size: string - (Optional) The size of the heading. Possible values are "sm", "md", and "lg". The default is "sm".


import { Box, Heading, Text } from "@metamask/snaps-sdk/jsx";

module.exports.onHomePage = async () => {
return {
content: (
<Heading>Hello world!</Heading>
<Text>Welcome to my Snap home page!</Text>

Divider UI example


Outputs an icon.


  • name - The name of the icon. Possible values include "confirmation", "search", "warning", and "menu". See the full list of possible name values.
  • color - (Optional) The color of the icon. Possible values are "default", "primary", and "muted". The default is "default".
  • size - (Optional) The size of the icon. Possible values are "md" and "inherit". The default is "md".


import { Icon } from "@metamask/snaps-sdk/jsx";

await snap.request({
method: "snap_dialog",
params: {
type: "alert",
content: (
<Box direction="horizontal">
<Icon name="warning" size="md" />
<Text>Double-check the "to" address before proceeding.</Text>

Icon UI example


Outputs an image. This component takes an inline SVG. It does not support remote URLs.

You can import SVG, PNG, and JPEG files using an import statement. These files are automatically imported as SVG strings, so you can pass them directly to the Image component.

The SVG is rendered within an <img> tag, which prevents JavaScript or interaction events from being supported.


To disable image support, set the features.images configuration option to false. The default is true.


  • src: string - An inline SVG.
  • alt: string - An optional alternative text for the image.


import { Box, Heading, Text, Image } from "@metamask/snaps-sdk/jsx";
import svgIcon from "./path/to/icon.svg";

module.exports.onHomePage = async () => {
return {
content: (
<Heading>Hello world!</Heading>
<Text>Welcome to my Snap home page!</Text>
<Image src={svgIcon} />

Divider UI example


See the @metamask/images-example-snap package for a full example of implementing images.


Outputs an input component for use in interactive UI.


  • name: string - The name that will be used as a key to the event sent to onUserInput when the containing form is submitted.
  • type - (Optional) The type of input. Possible values are "text", "number", and "password". The default is "text".
  • placeholder: string - (Optional) The text displayed when the input is empty.
  • label: string - (Optional) The text displayed alongside the input to label it.
  • value: string - (Optional) The default value of the input.
  • min: string - (Optional) The minimum value of the input field. Only applicable to the input type "number".
  • max: string - (Optional) The maximum value of the input field. Only applicable to the input type "number".
  • step: string - (Optional) The step value of the input field. Only applicable to the input type "number".


import { Form, Input, Button } from "@metamask/snaps-sdk/jsx";

const interfaceId = await snap.request({
method: "snap_createInterface",
params: {
ui: (
<Form name="form-to-fill">
<Field label="First Name">
<Input name="firstName" placeholder="Enter your first name" />
<Button type="submit">Submit</Button>

await snap.request({
method: "snap_dialog",
params: {
type: "Alert",
id: interfaceId,

Form UI example


Outputs italic text.


import { Box, Heading, Text, Italic } from "@metamask/snaps-sdk/jsx";

await snap.request({
method: "snap_dialog",
params: {
type: "alert",
content: (
<Heading>Hello world!</Heading>
This is <Italic>italic</Italic>.

Outputs a clickable link.


  • href: string - The URL to point to. Supported schemes are https:, mailto:, and metamask:. http: is not allowed.
  • children: Array<string | Bold | Italic | Address> - The link text, or an Address.

About metamask: URLs

A Snap can link to the following screens using the metamask: scheme:

  • metamask://client/ - Leads to the main screen of MetaMask.
  • metamask://snap/[Snap ID]/home/ - Leads to the Snap's home page, or the Snap's settings page if it does not have a home page. Valid Snap IDs are npm IDs beginning with npm:, such as metamask://snap/npm:@consensys/starknet-snap/home, or local:, such as metamask://snap/local:http://localhost:8080/home. Consider using environment variables so you can have different Snap IDs for local testing and production.

MetaMask will throw an error if the URL is not valid or if the URL leads to a Snap that is not installed.


import { Box, Heading, Link, Text } from "@metamask/snaps-sdk/jsx";

module.exports.onHomePage = async () => {
return {
content: (
<Heading>Hello world!</Heading>
Download <Link href="">MetaMask</Link>.
Read the MetaMask docs at <Link href="">MetaMask docs</Link>.

Links UI example


Outputs a radio group component for use in interactive UI.


  • name: string - The name that will be used as a key to the event sent to onUserInput when the containing form is submitted.
  • children: Radio[] - One or more Radio components, each with a value and text child.


import { RadioGroup, Radio } from "@metamask/snaps-sdk/jsx";

const interfaceId = await snap.request({
method: "snap_createInterface",
params: {
ui: (
<Form name="form-example">
<Field label="Select an option">
<RadioGroup name="radio-group-example">
<Radio value="option-1">Option 1</Radio>
<Radio value="option-2">Option 2</Radio>

RadioGroup UI example


Outputs a row with a label and value, which can be used for key-value data.


  • label: string - The label of the row.
  • variant - (Optional) The variant of the label. Possible values are "default", "error", and "warning". The default is "default".
  • children - The value of the row, which can be a Text, Image, Address, or Link component.


import { Box, Row, Text, Address } from "@metamask/snaps-sdk/jsx";

await snap.request({
method: "snap_dialog",
params: {
type: "alert",
content: (
<Row label="Address">
<Address address="0x000000000000000000000000000000000000dEaD" />
<Row label="Balance">
<Text>1.78 ETH</Text>

Row UI example


Outputs a styled container for use in dialogs and home pages.


  • direction - (Optional) The direction in which elements flow inside the box. Possible values are "horizontal" and "vertical". The default is "vertical".
  • alignment - (Optional) The alignment of the elements inside the box. Possible values are "start", "center", "end", "space-between", and "space-around". The default is "start".


export const onHomePage: OnHomePageHandler = async () => {
return {
content: (
<Heading>Hello world!</Heading>
<Text>This text appears in a container with rounded corners.</Text>

Section UI example


Outputs a selector component for use in interactive UI.


  • name: string - The name that will be used as a key to the event sent to onUserInput when the containing form is submitted.
  • title: string - The title of the selector, displayed when the selector is opened.
  • children: SelectorOption[] - One or more SelectorOption components, each with a Card child.


import { Selector, SelectorOption, Card } from "@metamask/snaps-sdk/jsx";

const interfaceId = await snap.request({
method: "snap_createInterface",
params: {
ui: (
<Selector name="selector-example" title="Select an option">
<SelectorOption value="option-1">
<Card title="Option 1" value="First option" />
<SelectorOption value="option-2">
<Card title="Option 2" value="Second option" />

Selector UI example


Outputs a loading indicator.


import { Box, Heading, Spinner } from "@metamask/snaps-sdk/jsx";

await snap.request({
method: "snap_dialog",
params: {
type: "alert",
content: (
<Heading>Please wait...</Heading>
<Spinner />

Spinner UI example


Outputs text.


  • color - (Optional) The color of the text. Possible values are "default", "alternative", "muted", "error", "success", and "warning". The default is "default".
  • alignment - (Optional) The alignment of the text. Possible values are "start", "center", and "end". The default is "start".


import { Box, Heading, Text } from "@metamask/snaps-sdk/jsx";

module.exports.onHomePage = async () => {
return {
content: (
<Heading>Hello world!</Heading>
<Text>Welcome to my Snap home page!</Text>

Text UI example


Outputs a tooltip when the wrapped element is hovered over.


  • content: - The content of the tooltip.
  • children: - The element to wrap.


import { Tooltip, Text } from "@metamask/snaps-sdk/jsx";

await snap.request({
method: "snap_dialog",
params: {
type: "alert",
content: (
Tooltip <Bold>text</Bold>
<Text>Hello world!</Text>

Tooltip UI example


Outputs a component that displays two text values side by side. This component can only be used as a child of the Row component.


  • value: string | TextElement - The value shown on the right side.
  • extra: string | TextElement - The extra text shown on the left side.


import { Box, Row, Text, Value } from "@metamask/snaps-sdk/jsx";

await snap.request({
method: "snap_dialog",
params: {
type: "alert",
content: (
<Row label="Transaction Amount">
<Value value="0.05 ETH" extra="$200" />

{/* Example with styled text */}
<Row label="Gas Fee">
value={<Text color="error">0.003 ETH</Text>}
extra={<Text color="error">$12</Text>}

{/* Example with different text colors */}
<Row label="Balance After">
value={<Text color="success">1.25 ETH</Text>}
extra={<Text color="muted">$2,500</Text>}


Text-based components (such as Heading and Text) accept emojis.


import { Box, Heading, Text } from "@metamask/snaps-sdk/jsx";

await snap.request({
method: "snap_dialog",
params: {
type: "alert",
content: (
<Heading>Hello world!</Heading>
<Text>This is an apple 🍎 and this is an orange 🍊.</Text>

Emojis UI example

User-defined components

In addition to the components provided by the SDK, you can define your own components.

Upgrade a Snap to use JSX

If you have a Snap that uses the deprecated function-based custom UI library, follow these steps to upgrade it to use JSX:

  1. Update dependencies in packages/snap/package.json:

    • Upgrade @metamask/snaps-sdk to ^6.1.1 or later.
    • Upgrade @metamask/snaps-cli to ^6.2.1 or later.
    • Upgrade @metamask/snaps-jest to ^8.2.0 or later.
    • Add @types/react with version 18.2.4 (without caret range) under devDependencies.
    • Add @types/react-dom with version 18.2.4 (without caret range) under devDependencies.

    Run yarn install to install the new versions.

  2. Update packages/snap/.eslintrc.js:

    • Add a new section in overrides with the following configuration:
      "files": ["**/*.ts", "**/*.tsx"],
      "extends": ["@metamask/eslint-config-typescript"],
      "rules": {
      // This allows importing the `Text` JSX component.
      "@typescript-eslint/no-shadow": [
      "allow": ["Text"],
    • Replace ["*.test.ts"] with ["*.test.ts", "*.test.tsx"].
  3. Update packages/snap/src/index.ts, if it will have JSX:

    • Rename the file to index.tsx.
    • Modify the input field in packages/snap/snap.config.ts to src/index.tsx.
  4. Update packages/snap/tsconfig.json:

    • Under compilerOptions, add:
      "jsx": "react-jsx",
      "jsxImportSource": "@metamask/snaps-sdk"
    • Change the include property from ["**/*.ts"] to ["**/*.ts", "**/*.tsx"].
  5. Replace all custom UI in your code with JSX components, renaming the target files with the .tsx extension.